The CCT Routing & Switching 100-490 dumps have been updated with the latest exam practice material for 2022 to help you pass the 100-490 RSTECH exam with ease.
The 100-490 RSTECH exam is an acronym for the Supporting Cisco Routing & Switching Network Devices exam.
CCT Routing & Switching certification is one of the Cisco Entry exams, it also includes CCT Collaboration and CCT Data Center, you can find the corresponding exam materials on this site.
leads4pass is one of the oldest providers of cisco certification exams, so I highly recommend using leads4pass’ 100-490 dumps: as 100-490 RSTECH exam material,
Helping you pass the 100-490 RSTECH exam on your first attempt.
You can start by practicing with a portion of the latest CCT Routing & Switching 100-490 dumps exam material:
Answers are announced at the end of the article
Question 1:
Which protocol does TFTP typically use for transport?